…an update
After receiving the gloss version of the grille I ordered a second set of bits that looked more OEM with a satin finish on the badge surround and honeycomb grille.
Bought these:
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VW-MK5-GOLF-GTI-GRILLE-GRILL-SET-COMPLETE-FOG-LIGHTS-CENTRE-GRILLES-NEW/172822093000?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649From this seller
http://stores.ebay.co.uk/abr-automotive?_trksid=p2047675.l2563This kit contains the two grilles, fog surrounds, number plate plinth and badges. All the grille and fog surrounds match. Looks like this.
I then fitted them…
This is my before grille shot. Lots of blue/grey plastic. Lovely.
Took it all off, fairly easy, but a good few tangs and prongs so go easy.
Lower grille fitted no problem.
Fog surrounds, not such a good fit as you can see from the pics.
They looked OK side by side with the OEM part so maybe they are a bit curved or needed a bit of a bash to fit tightly. In any case, can't live with the gaps so I cleaned up and refitted the OEM parts and will give these a going over with some Gtechniq trim stuff at some point as they are easy to remove.
Now to fit the main grille. As mentioned in my earlier post the quality of the red surround on the pattern part is not so good. It’s just red moulded plastic that looks dull. Decided to swap it for the OEM trim.
Impressed with the quality of this, it appears to be painted as it can be chipped. Tip here is to work it out from the back. Don’t use tools from the front. And take it slow, this is a fragile part and the tangs are very thin.
Fitted easily to the pattern part.
Remember to transfer the metal clips from the lower prongs of the panel. These are needed when you put the lower screws back through the lower grille. Note how they go on too as you’ll be taking the grille on and off if you don’t…like me. The clips also fell off behind the lower grille, so that had to come off again too to get them out.
So, large pieces of pattern plastic don’t fit as easily as OEM. Hardly news to anyone. These fit pretty well. Needed a bit of gentle manhandling and strategic swearing. It fits but the leading top edges not so well but we're talking a few mil and these are hidden by the bonnet so not a problem at all.
Here it is all fitted. Reg plate holder to go on tomorrow which will need to be measured carefully to position properly as there are no guide holes. Unless they are on the back. I’m not going to check now.
A few spare parts…
Pattern plastic not so robust…
Conclusion of this?
1. Car looks better.
2. Prolific use of the C word helps with the fitting of pattern parts.