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Author Topic: Evoms Replacement Filter - Where/ best place to buy?  (Read 731 times)

Offline JamieKirk95

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Evoms Replacement Filter - Where/ best place to buy?
« on: August 25, 2017, 07:06:29 pm »
Hi all,

Thinking about getting the golf stage 1 mapped at rtech, the car has, full turbo back miltek exhaust with sports cat, gfb dv+, evoms induction kit and heat shield, latest pcv, cam follower and soon to be millers nano drive oil.

Anyway, the car came with the evoms kit however before it gets mapped id like to change the filter as it has a couple of cracks in and doesn't sit as well as it should.

I have found the following however with shipping it comes to £86.66. Does this place give us a discount code because I can't find anything on it or does anyone know anywhere else they know do them. Ive heard of garage midnight but their website doesn't work?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
