Sure enough the start up was a bit spluttery this morning. Id give it a 5 out of 10 for "splutteryness".

Heres some numbers (spluttery, today):
bar bar %
6.28 7 5.9
6.28 7 5.9
6.29 7 5.9
5.99 7 5.9
5.46 21.28 27.5
4.73 35.61 27.5
3.96 60.86 35.7
3.82 57.05 46.7
3.98 52.22 46.7
3.97 51.19 45.5
3.93 51.03 47.5
3.9 50.16 51.8
3.98 50.23 56.5
4.17 49.44 56.5
4.45 49.46 50.6
4.61 49.44 46.3
This is over roughly 3 seconds, the car took perhaps the middle 1.5 secs to fire up, the rest is pre and post startup. After this all pressures stabilised. col 1 = low side pressure, col 2 = rail pressure, col 3 = lpfp duty cycle.
The low side pressure does dip a little as the engine is cranked (from 6.2 down to 3.9 before coming back to 4.61 once started) after this, then idling all the number stay stable at these values. Comparing to yesterdays good start, the low side pressure started at 6.83 and never dipped to then come back up again
Not spluttery, yesterday:
bar bar %
6.83 7 5.9
6.83 7 5.9
6.96 7 27.1
6.73 18.84 26.7
6.26 31.84 27.1
5.57 51.77 27.5
4.75 62.84 34.9
4.37 53.66 36.1
4.36 52.51 37.6
So there is a bit of difference, but would this really be enough to make it splutter? The rail pressures climb equally quickly on both logs and I'm sure that's more important than the low side pressure. Plus the low side pressure down to 3.9 bar in the spluttery start up log hardly indicates the lpfp being starved. The minor differences in number are probably the difference between sitting for 2 hours and being a bit warm, and then sitting over night and being stone cold. Sample rates from each log are slightly different as i was logging 1 extra block yesterday.
So assuming my fuel pressure sensors arent lying, fueling seems to be okay? Leaving spark and air... the plugs are, from memory, only a few years and ~12k old, coils never changed so by all rights spark should be okay (but I do plan to change plugs and coils next service anyway). As for the air supply - this bring my thoughts back to carbonised intake ports.
Between plugs, coils and intake cleaning were looking at £500. Not money I want to spend all at once just chasing this minor issue, but will be done as part of routine maintenance over the next year or so. So barring any other suggestions ill just come back here to post if any single piece of maintenance makes any difference.