Just another driving God who doesn't understand the difference between traction and lateral grip. Because Quattro, innit blud.
It's not just chavs with no fear of consequences (and rightly so with our utterly ineffective justice system and little police presence on the streets) that own/rent these cars. 2 of them have appeared in my housing estate recently, and both owned by mature gents in their late 30s/early 40s. No ragging the sheet out of them around the estate. One of them is that god awful "last orange creme left in the box" gold-ish brown colour

But the R's reputation is definitely being ruined by the McDonald's massif.
Weird thing is, in spite of the new speeding fines, people seem to be driving faster than ever. I was out in mine last night and a bunch of pr1cks in a mini one came steaming past me well into the 100s, 120-125 as a guess. What is it with these fearless chavs? Is there something in the water or their weed? I was never like that at their age.....but then again, I had a healthy respect for the five-O. These kids will only learn the hard way, by death, or getting the schitt kicked out of them.