Done some more to the slag over the weekend, got Brands booked in a couple of weeks.
I knew the front bushes were non genuine and was waiting to save some cash so i could upgrade to VWR gear, But that will have to wait for another time.
Instead i got hold of some alloy arms and changed the bushes to powerflex, camber adjustable and better caster angle.
Shagged bush

Alloy arms and new bushes

The car was twitchy under heavy braking, found this on the rear trailing arm

Passat/S3 hubs

With new running gear i'm sure she will hug the road better now!
Last time i was out on track i smelt burning and plums of smoke out the back, the downpipe got so hot it melted the inner cv boot which sprayed its contents on the exhaust!
It was missing its heat shield, so new boot and shield!

New GoPro mounting area

That's is for now, this build will slow down now as my Audi 80 restoration comes back from the body shop next month, 80 take priority