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No Uber service in London....who gives a sh1t?
We have uber in Chester and Liverpool but never used it as I am in the sticks and it's hard enough getting a local taxi!!!
Also have them in Brighton as well, their licence is up soon and is also up for review so we'll see what happens! Not used it myself though tbh but my best mate in London goes to hospital for treatment very often uses them all the time. I hope for his sake they sort it out.
--- Quote from: grey golfster on September 23, 2017, 07:51:40 pm ---The leading news story tonight, despite all the world's other ills (Brexit, earth quakes, tornados, nuclear war with N Korea.....etc...) is the loss of Uber taxi services in London!
As a bit of a country bumpkin, I feel lucky if my mobile phone actually works, because the service is still so bad, never mind the availability of a cheap taxi at the end of the line.
Q: what other UK metropolitan areas are covered by Uber ?
I try not to go to London, unless absolutely unavoidable :signLOL:
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And now a dog with the world's biggest tongue has been considered headline news worthy, amidst all the things you've mentioned above :smiley:
Tomorrow it will be: "Onions used to cost thruppence a lb" and the day after it will be "Recent studies reveal Cabbage causes cancer". Honestly mate, activate your "This bullschit isn't important to me" filter and just avoid the news, and don't read the daily fish & chip wrappers either. Ignorance is bliss :smiley:
Having just lost my own job of 12 years, I do sympathise with the drivers who stand to lose theirs, but this is the world we live in. There is no such thing as a 'permanent' job anymore, and it's every man for himself, more than ever. There are too many greedy companies trying to muscle in and take profits away from other established companies. Some win, some lose. It's the risk they take when getting into it, so personally I am with you......I don't give a schitt :happy2:
And let's not forget the allegations of sexual assault from Uber drivers. Uber have a lot of damage limitation work ahead of them to avoid irreparable reputation damage.
--- Quote from: Pudding on October 05, 2017, 12:24:43 pm ---
--- Quote from: grey golfster on September 23, 2017, 07:51:40 pm ---The leading news story tonight, despite all the world's other ills (Brexit, earth quakes, tornados, nuclear war with N Korea.....etc...) is the loss of Uber taxi services in London!
As a bit of a country bumpkin, I feel lucky if my mobile phone actually works, because the service is still so bad, never mind the availability of a cheap taxi at the end of the line.
Q: what other UK metropolitan areas are covered by Uber ?
I try not to go to London, unless absolutely unavoidable :signLOL:
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And now a dog with the world's biggest tongue has been considered headline news worthy,
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I felt a little it gullible googling that....... Cannot believe my eyes! :signLOL:
I actively avoid watching to reading the news. More people should try it.... it makes you feel much better about life.
Yup! Doggy tongue has been on BBC breakfast news for 2 days now!
I agree. Not many folk like Trump but he was spot on with his anti-press comments and attacks. They are like ants to a blob of ice cream. They thrive on catastrophe and incite civil unrest. Not seeing it is not getting irritated by it :smiley:
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