Sorry, I had no idea all you geezers had become so sensitive.

And I don't really believe that the emotion is all about keeping Uber drivers in work?
My point was that 10 minutes of a 30 minute national news broadcast, devoted to the loss of cheap taxi services, in London, highlights mainly the Londoncentric/metropolitan media, and the damage that inflicts (inadvertently or otherwise) on the rest of the country, while they whine on about what are essentially local issues.
And if we are to become pedants too...
Title = who gives a.....
Question (meant in a light hearted way) = What other UK metropolitan areas are covered by Uber ?
It might be more useful to say... I live in .... I use Uber and it's great.
The news report detailed events in London.
Yes I could have googled it, like many other queries on this forum; but now I have been enlightened by your highly emotional opinions.
For that, I thank you!