All Things Mk5 > Performance Modifications

Dog Bone Mount Insert - Whats the best of the 3 cheapest?

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I fitted revo mounts on my Ed30. Dogbone insert didn't last 5mins. Went for vibratecnics instead and haven't looked back. Bit harsh at first, but wot do ya expect with stiffer mounts, after few months to bed in, one of best mods u can do.

Agreed, they are excellent. Polyurethane is quite possibly the worst material to use for engine support and noise suppression, and also chassis components.
My Whiteline ALK ovaled out because of ‘creep and set’, which caused tramlining worse than stock console bushes.  Rubber for engines, rubber for chassis  :happy2:
I think some folk would fit polyurethane tyres if they were available  :grin:

Ive noticed the powerflex offers two different pattern fitments.
For an 07 dsg eddy anyone know what one would be needed??


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