All Things Mk5 > Performance Modifications
Larger Dust/Splash Shields...what fits?
I have a Stage 3 BBK from ECS that are 332x32 and came with Hawk HPS pads.
When I am driving when very wet, the first time I go for the brakes it's like nothing. I have to let off and press again before they work. It's not this way when dry and there is never much pedal travel when wet or dry.
I need new pads and discs/rotors very soon and I am going to switch to Hawk HP+ pads from Hawk HPS at that time. But wanting to minimize moisture on the rotors is why going to consider adding larger dust shields.
I am also ordering a Golf R master cylinder to help with the volume of the kit as it is a direct bolt on so long as I order a master that is for a DSG car...and I've read it works very well with BBK's.
My question is: If running a BBK, have you found a dust shield that fits? Even if not, I can modify a shield to fit and just wanted to hear of your successes with keeping the shields. Would be nice to have the protection again from brake-heat for the ball-joints and brake fluid lines as well.
I dont run shields on mine and have not experienced any downsides. In fact I have just removed the rear shields too. :signLOL:
Yeah,, I keep hearing that..."No problems". I never have problems until it is very wet. I assume it is the pads(Hawk HPS) and why I want to order Hawk HP+ next time, but thinking shields would help with moisture on the rotors if I get some back on. It's been this way for 10 years now and I am just done with it.
When I asked Prof. Google...I see the Hawk HPS pads give others fits when it is wet. So, it's not just me. Others say they feel they have to smash the pedal, but I've learned 'just let off' and apply again.
I think you'll have no problems fitting the R32 splash shields. I'm running stock shields at the front and rear with 350 mm and 310 mm, respectively. No issues in the wet.
--- Quote from: ROH ECHT on October 17, 2017, 12:21:08 am ---Yeah,, I keep hearing that..."No problems".
--- End quote ---
The people who say that are the people who've never had a CV boot explode and dump a ton of grease onto the rotor when approaching a stop light at 100mph. That is the main purpose of the shields, certainly at the front anyhow.
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