Those ones look a bit etcha-sketch!
Do R-Tech keep copies of customer's maps on their computer? If they do, I'd be tempted to get it flashed back to stock and repeat the tests, personally......just to outrule any hardware shenanigans. Flashed back to stock properly, as in at a dealer with their ODIS interface. Wipe the slate clean. The 'stock' maps tuners user aren't stock at all, but some low boost variation of it......probably pulled off a website like NefMofo.
If you still see the same issues, you need to sort them before getting R-Tech to bung the map back on. I think at the moment there's a lot of variables and reverting back to stock removes the software element out of the troubleshooting.
Having said that, things aren't looking horrendous by any means. Just more timing pull than usual and boost a little shy of requested.