is it from a dealer? then you need to specifically ask
'has it been accident damaged?'
'has it had any remedial paint or bodywork after leaving the factory'
be very specific about what your asking and why, stating that you will reject the car if you subsequently find out it has had work.
if you have a previous owner + plate start digging on the internet and maybe try to call prev owner.
be careful with HPI checks they are not all the same (even from HPI themselves!), some show all history, some dont and can hide hidden markers that as a buyer you wanted to know.
(dealers,private sellers etc are aware of this and tend to work around it...)
you could also try and get hold of a paint depth gauge from somewhere

(but remember some cars even get painted again in the factory!)
just be cautious and as others have said dont be blinded by shiney paintwork and blacked out tyres...
good luck