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Author Topic: Issue with my Key Fob  (Read 938 times)

Offline Raj2212

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Issue with my Key Fob
« on: December 05, 2017, 07:31:42 pm »
Hi Peoples,

I dropped my key by accident like an idiot and now its stopped unlocking or locking the car through the buttons. Opened it up to make sure nothing moved and replaced the battery but still no luck.

Eventually left it aside and got my spare out, but issue with this is that it only locks/unlocks the car when i'm like a foot away, put a new battery in and checked the internals still having no luck unlocking/locking from distance.

Anyone on here had the same issue. Would I have to get both keys reprogrammed ?  I assumed the second spare key hadn't been used in quite a while causing the issue, but i might be wrong.

As for the first key though .. Completely lost. Light still flashes but nothing happening at all.

Many Thanks