All Things MK6 R and GTI > MK6 Members Rides

Ash's MK6 GOLF GTI Build Thread.

<< < (11/17) > >>

Sweet mate, look forward to seeing what you do with it !

havent really done much with the MK6 iv put my recaros in but thats about it...

Been 2 audi 2day and thinking about a solar orange S3 im driving a manual n s tronic in the week...

il get pics up of my car with the buckets in makes a massive change but il be taking them out and the detroits off and selling the car..


You not liking the  car anymore Ash?  :confused:

i love the mk6 but a new solar orange s3 is for me i think...

il sell the mk6 privately and put it back 2 standard....

i got some R light adapter cables if any 1 needs them...

Top Cat:


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