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canon camera

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^^or often known as money pits  :signLOL:


--- Quote from: 182_blue on January 04, 2009, 05:43:30 pm ---^^or often known as money pits  :signLOL:

--- End quote ---

True that :P

Some nice pics there.

A quick tip.

If the camera struggles to focus on objects in the distance. TRy changing the SP (Scene Program)  to landscape. (Assuming it has that function but most camera's do). Your camera might call it SCN and it will be under the menu options.

My Camera uses a CCD Sensor (Focus's by colour) whereas yours is probably CMOS cos its Canon. My camera often battles to focus like that too. Pop it into landscape and you get some awesome pics.

If it still wont focus nicely. Pop it into manual mode and use a long focal range. If you need help on how to do that just shout.


182_blue my old man got a G9 a few months ago, i took some shots with it over christmas and was really impressed as it has alot of the canon slr features on a compact, you will not be disappointed serioulsy good results straight after using it

yeh got it today, nice camera and pics are superb  8)


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