I have used Directline for about 10 years, excellent service when you have an 'incident', however every renewal date I ALWAYS go online as a new customer to get a fresh qoute - DO NOT SETTLE for the renewal price, in the past 4 years of renewals I have gone online, got a price as if I am a new customer, and suprise, it has been 15% -30% ( ! ) cheaper than simply accepting the automatic renewal price ! Get on the phone, advise them that they are trying to rip you off and you are incensed ( my phrase - works every time ) and want to complain, magically they then offer the lower price to you over the phone.
I must say this really pisses me off, a friend in the insurance business tells me that renewals are considered ' an easy lay', customers are talked of as 'Sticky' - meaning we often just assume we have the best deal because we have a good relationship with the insurance company, this could not be further from the truth, they take Every opportunity to rip us off as far as I can see.
There rant ended...