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Author Topic: 2.0 tdi 2004 goes into limp mode when high revved??  (Read 775 times)

Offline Dalejones

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2.0 tdi 2004 goes into limp mode when high revved??
« on: January 31, 2018, 10:39:07 pm »
Ok so this is my second mk5 golf tdi and they both have had the same fault! When I drive around normally it's fine, as soon as I get it on a long straight and give it some stick it will just run like a dog untill I pull over and turn off the engine and back on then it will be fine,

Done bait of research and heard it could be sticky turbo vains, anyone had this and know how to cure it? Or is it a new turbo job? If so cheapest place to get a replacement turbo? Thanks