Didn't know dealers were offering Mobil 1. I've been using 0W40 Mobil 1 "New Life" (think it's called 'FS' now) in my Ed30 for quite a while now. The engine just seems to agree with it. Uses hardly any, sorted a momentary clatter on cold starts and seems to run a bit smoother on it.....and it's £35 from ebay

I've taken it to the dealer a couple of times now and they're fine to use my own oil. They adjust the bill accordingly, and pop the left overs in the passenger foot well

Which is a good sign as some service centers lob the entire 5L in, which over fills it by 300ml.
The dealer Shell stuff (Ultra AVL 0W30) is actually a superb oil, but mine being stage 2+, it was using a bit of it.
Never really been a fan of oil with 'bits' in it, but the Millers is very popular in the scene. I just can't bring myself to pay £60 for oil. Don't need the 'bits' anyway as I've converted the fuel pump to a roller follower

With the brake fluid every 2 years, it's not essential, but a good idea imo. The reason being DOT4 absorbs water, and if that isn't flushed out in a timely fashion, it can actually corrode the ABS pump's pistons.