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Author Topic: Opinions on Revo  (Read 2418 times)

Offline rcrisp11

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Opinions on Revo
« on: May 18, 2018, 09:54:28 pm »
Hi all,

I’ve had my gti for around 9 months now, and I’m considering a re-map soon as I feel like the car still has a lot to offer. But as there are so many different tuning companies out there I was wondering what the general consensus is on Revo? Performance wise, customer service, all that sort of stuff, what are people’s opinions on them as a whole?

At the moment the main reasons I’m thinking of going with them are:
  • The flexibility that they offer in terms of set-up
  • Their ability to go back to stock if desired which it seems like not many other companies can offer?
  • And the fact that they are a big and reputable name in this industry

If anyone is able to talk about past experiences (good or bad) I’d love to hear it! So thanks in advance and I look forward to your replies.

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Re: Opinions on Revo
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2018, 07:03:25 am »
I have had Revo stage 1 fitted on my car for almost 10 years. The car drives nicely, I have enjoyed good technical support from Revo and the flexibility of the SPS is useful. That said, they are now rather expensive in relation to the value of our cars and smiliar money would buy an inlet clean / injector plus remap from Rtech. I would recommend the latter plus spending £200 on VIS hpfp internals for them to install / map at same time since this will give you better torque and drivability.

Offline rcrisp11

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Re: Opinions on Revo
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2018, 08:47:05 am »
Thanks buddy. I’ll see what others say, but maybe I’ll have to think about R-Tech too as they seem to be highly rated by most on here.

...I can feel a new topic coming haha.

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Re: Opinions on Revo
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2018, 12:54:41 pm »
My Edition 30 currently has Revo's Stage 2+ flash on it, but running the stock map as I've recently put it back to standard. 

Prior to that I spent a lot of time with my tuner custom mapping it, and when I bought the car it had Revo Stage 1 on it.  So I have a good base for comparison.

Revo is all about smoothness and drives very OEM.  Any custom mapper can push things as far as you want them to, but in my experience with the K04 engine, certain sacrifices have to be made.  Namely boost surge taming, more frequent oil changes, more frequent HPFP follower replacements, big drop in mpg, expensive pumps, clutches, downpipes, intakes etc etc, not to mention excessive wheel spin in the wetter months.

My custom map was bonkers fast, but it was nothing like as smooth and every day drivable as Revo.

Paragraph 3 is the main reason I went back to standard and Revo's 'stock mode' is somewhat better than VW's original map, feeling punchier, smoother and just as economical.

Revo stage 1 is also superb in my opinion and you don't need any of the expensive aforementioned parts. 

To summarise, if you want pub numbers, get a custom map.  If you want smoothness, reliability, adjustability (with an SPS switch) and realistic hp gains, get Revo.

2007 ED30 | 2009 TDI 140 | 2016 BMW 330D

Offline rcrisp11

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Re: Opinions on Revo
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2018, 10:41:38 pm »
Wow dude! That was really helpful and informative, thank you!