Bit of boot badge knowledge I have to share...
There are boot badges around that actually combine both the soft opening and mk6 style ‘3d’ badge. These are obviously hard to source on the internet as most people wouldn’t be aware of the changes. So basically it stared with the crappy prone to white worm badges with soft close. Then it changed to ‘3d’ style but retained the soft close feature. Finally the soft close was dropped and the snappy badge was born. The soft 3d badges can be found amougst 06-56 reg but is a bit hit and miss.
I had to sacrifice my soft close and opted for the camera but I have never looked back, literally 
Ha, guess you haven't mate :)
I would have the rear view camera, but I've got a MIB2 installed which requires the MK/ platform camera for work, and to build a mk7 camera to a MK6 boot logo housing is to much effort.. I'm fine having the PDC sensors and the mirrors for the cost of what I would end up with to retrofit camera to my car.
Anyway, great that you can get the "3d" style badge with softclose. When you say 06-56 reg then you mean it's a 2006 model registed may or june? We don't use these terms much where I'm from I guess.. Nor do i ever really cared for what it ment