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RacingLine TFSI intake kit for K03/K04

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So how did your meeting go with them, or did they send you some further parts?

I am interested in an Intake but this review is absolutely scathing and puts me off massively.


Ha ha whole thing was a bit of a joke to be honest. They promised the earth and delivered nothing at all

Lol, yep!

It's been over a year since they promised to improve it, and apart from an initial spurt of enthusiasm at the start, absolutely nothing!

What a way to run a business, eh?  Google searches will take people to this site and Racingline have done zero damage limitation.  The last comms I got from them was Autumn last year, pointing the finger at ITG, but when companies start with the whole blame game thing, I lose interest.  Take ownership of the problem and deal with it, or get lost and waste someone else's time.

I suggest building your own intake around the 42DD MAF housing as you know you won't have any fuel trim issues with that.  The Racingline kit is just a generic filter canister and a 90 degree pipe, made by ITG.  Anyone could cobble that together for a fraction of the cost!  And unlike Racingline, you would be savvy enough to make sure it fits in the available space properly without rubbing on things and breaking water elbows off  :doh:

Ah, I think I may have read something about your experience on another post. Wow, sounds like i'll be staying well clear of that system.

Are you saying that it's best to come up with a frankenstein of parts with he 42DD MAF housing? It comes in either through or non-through, which I have no idea what the difference would be. It just looks smaller.

.. Or is it designed to be used with intake systems that are already out there?

So basically I've spent all morning reading up online rather than working  :ashamed:

You can get a full system from 42DD, mounting hardware, heatshields, everything... however it's $520.

Or Pudding might have been eluding to the fact you could get all parts yourself, individually and save some cash. So a velocity stack, filter, heatshield, some aluminium piping and just buy the 42DD MAF housing.

Both sound quite fun projects  :happy2:


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