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VW Racing Big Brake kit product review

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going to try make this too  :grin:


--- Quote from: tony_danza on March 10, 2010, 07:14:05 pm ---Aye, we're all out there again that weekend Luke - we'll say hi if we see you.

--- End quote ---

Haha what a coincidence... again  :smiley:
I will have to come get some pics with you lot this year  :smiley:
I should have a passenger seat free at times over the weekend too  :happy2:


--- Quote from: jabbalad on March 11, 2010, 09:29:30 am ---
--- Quote from: tony_danza on March 10, 2010, 07:14:05 pm ---Aye, we're all out there again that weekend Luke - we'll say hi if we see you.

--- End quote ---

Haha what a coincidence... again  :smiley:
I will have to come get some pics with you lot this year  :smiley:
I should have a passenger seat free at times over the weekend too  :happy2:

--- End quote ---

Yeah, seems a popular weekend, as the TF is open for 4 days along with the GP circuit. Should be a good trip.

I'll deffo grab a PAX lap  :happy2:

today i went to mount the brakes, but after i put only a disc and a caliper i've observed that there is no centering hub (hope is correct) left to where i can center the wheels. I've ordered a custom piece and hope that tomorrow i can finish with this.



is the centre bore not the same with the vrs? i will show mat the pic tomorrow  :happy2:


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