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VW Racing Big Brake kit product review

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I just received another email from Caparo in which they explained what they think  the problem is. They will send via Racingline the following: reshaped pads, spigot, and pad retainers.
I hope that this time works :pomppomp: :pomppomp:

As i understanded from the email the nuts on the modern cars are chamfered, and these act to align the wheel and keep it in position. So, tomorrow when i go to the workshop i will tell the guys there to  remove the custom spigot i made, unmount the whole brake kit and mount it again more carefully.
Hope everything will be safe when i mount the wheel only in the 5 bolts/nuts (don't know the correct term).  :driver:

thats good news and take some pics of the parts when they come  :smiley:

i will do so MAT

After some mails with Sam, we've decided that even after the installing of the new parts the problem isn't fixed i will send them the brakes for some tests. All i hope is that we solve this before 28th of April (when i will leave to Nring)


--- Quote from: TEFF on March 18, 2010, 07:02:37 pm ---
As i understanded from the email the nuts on the modern cars are chamfered, and these act to align the wheel and keep it in position.

--- End quote ---

....Do you mean the wheels bolts? They are not "chamfered"/cup-seated on all modern cars. Some alloy wheels need them (OZ for example) and others don't (oem VW Monza's for example).

You can see by looking at the wheel which bolt type is needed. I think VWR should have supplied you bolts and whoever fitted the wheels should have seen if they were the right type or not.

I got a type of bolts from VWR and they are on the car. Tomorrow i shall test them to see if there is any improvment without the "spigot" extension i did


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