General > Product Reviews

VW Racing Big Brake kit product review

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^^^^ I agree about updating the review to follow the site standards  :happy2:


--- Quote from: RedRobin on February 22, 2012, 08:26:16 am ---
--- Quote from: chungster on February 22, 2012, 07:58:23 am ---
Errrr if you read most of the other brake related threads on here you'd see that people value DaveB's advice on all things Brakes related. He doesn't have to do it as I'm sure he'd rather spend time with his family and fly planes!

Think this is the first time he's aired his views on the VWR package in a detailed way. Is he not allowed his opinion on an open forum just like everyone else ??

--- End quote ---

....Very much agreed about DaveB's contributions to this forum.

However, he doesn't have to be so critical of Mat personally (as I quote below) does he. Mat hasn't been "banging the drum" at all - He's been very calm and merely shared his enthusiasm at appropriate times. [The word "enthusiasm" has a different meaning than "allegiance", QDave]

It seems that if a posted review is negatively critical it's better received than if it's enthusiastically positive even if it contains critical elements. John_O's original template for forum reviews where he included both Plus Points and Minus Points is the way to go.

--- End quote ---

Enthusiastically Agreed with no allegiance.

Agenda I don't have one and never have. It will be the last time I put anything about a product on this site as it sounds like if a product someone has on a car and is happy with and then someone else has a problem with the product then it's the person who started the threads problem for saying how good the product was in the first place. It's ok we all know you make better brake kits than anyone else on the planet and that's it and everyone values what you say as I do but you can't blame me for a product that I never made or had any input on the design of this down to the maker of the product to sort out. Like I said if I am having a problem with kit I would have posted and spoken to Vwr about my problems but at this moment in time I am happy with them and if you don't like that then that's ok.

Rather than continue this subject in this review thread, I have started a new thread:, < Deleted since writing this post.

Time for me to get offline and have some breakfast!


--- Quote from: QD on February 22, 2012, 09:13:13 am ---
Enthusiastically Agreed with no allegiance.

--- End quote ---

 :signLOL:   :drinking:


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