Maplin currently do the genuine Apple USB C 29w chargers for £35 instead of the £50 you pay everywhere else, so that's a good bargain. If you have an iPhone 8 or newer, or new gen ipad etc, it will charge them up a heck of a lot faster than the freebie chargers.
As for the decline of high street shops, it's quite sad if it's what you grew up with. I remember when Radio Shack / Tandy stores disappeared almost over night! Stores like that were great for building speaker projects, buying single LEDs or resistors, capacitors etc instead of packs of 50 minimum, and you can't beat tactile shopping, imo, clothes especially. I also miss the days of going into Weigh and Save and paying for 5 cornflakes with a £50 note, just for sh1ts and giggs.
I'm all for progress, but not if it's unsustainable. The roads are already clogged up with zero hour delivery people ferrying goods to and from the online mega warehouses, and it's going to get a lot worse.
Still, everything goes round in circles. People are so immersed in their own digital bubbles these days, they're forgetting what it's like to be human. Can't maintain eye contact, can't string a cohesive sentence together etc etc. All the excitement of 'the cloud' and 'AI' making 1000s of people redundant, the data up there will be hacked and or stolen, and then IT will come back 'in house' again, and people will miss fingering the apples in Tescos, so shops will come back. FFS, humans never learn and it's all more predictable than taxes and death.
As a species, we're doomed to failure. A mega virus is just around the corner to wipe half of us out to restore the balance again. Nature always wins. We're f'cked

I am of course not entirely serious, t'was just a Ricky Gervais style rant...... but there is elements of truth in it