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Author Topic: Labour costs to replace oil pick up pipe ?  (Read 4623 times)

Offline Raj2212

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Labour costs to replace oil pick up pipe ?
« on: March 21, 2018, 08:26:00 pm »
Hello all,

Just after some advice, I've been thinking about changing my oil pick up pipe and having the sump cleaned. I'm on 111k atm, and no history of this being done.
Unfortunately I'm not able to do this myself. Wondering how much I should pay labour  wise to get it sorted ?  :happy2:

Also. Is it essential to have this done.

Offline neilw

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Re: Labour costs to replace oil pick up pipe ?
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2018, 12:42:27 pm »
Not essential but good practice, I was going to do mine last weekend, but it was cold and snowing so ended up just doing the oil and filter, it can wait until the summer.

It's probably about a 60-90mins of labour, and the cost of the sealant.

You'll probably want to put in new oil and filter at the same time. The pipe doesn't need to be replaced unless it's damaged, it can just be cleaned

I'm guessing here but
Labour - £75-125ish
Sealant - £20

So probably £100-£150 maybe

Then the cost of the oil service on top of that.

Good write up here
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Re: Labour costs to replace oil pick up pipe ?
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2018, 01:56:27 pm »
Hopefully the garage will use the proper VW sump sealant (very sparingly), or Dirko equivalent from Amazon etc.   A lot of places just spread generic silicon on cake frosting, and it falls off inside and clogs the pick-up, therefore defeating the purpose of dropping the sump in the first place!

I did mine last summer and found said chunks of black silicon at the bottom of the sump.

The other benefit of the proper sealant is it dries in 20 minutes, so the car will out the door quicker.  Silicon takes hours.

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Offline Raj2212

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Re: Labour costs to replace oil pick up pipe ?
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2018, 06:33:50 pm »
Thanks @neilw I've just had new oil and filters put in very recent so I think I'll wait  a couple months until I'm due another oil change. I should've really had that checked at the time.
Much appreciated though for the link and prices.  :happy2:

Hopefully the pipe isn't damaged. And thanks @Pudding , will make sure I use VW Sump sealant  :happy2: