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Author Topic: Coding a Sccirocco R Cluster, South East  (Read 1029 times)

Offline pandaman

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Coding a Sccirocco R Cluster, South East
« on: August 15, 2023, 07:53:58 pm »
Just nabbed a Scirocco R cluster off ebay, its petrol and is the white version so i'm pretty sure it can be coded to my GTI.

According to this post:
Your ABS pump is ok for white clusters. As Eddie-NL said:

Works ok:
1K0 907 379 Q
1K0 907 379 AA
1K0 907 379 AC

My Ed. 30 being MY2008 has an AC rev ABS pump, so it's also compatible, although still MK60. My GT Sport has an AD rev ABS pump, so it's the 1st rev that changed to MK60EC1. :smiley:

Only now I've read properly the topic. :signLOL:

VCDS says I have a 1K0 907 379 Q revision ABS pump.

I’ll need an adapter, might need CAN Gateway upgraded and I’ll have to have it coded by someone with ODIS and a GeKo account.

Anyone know anybody in the South East? I'd try @Eddie-NL , still quite a drive from Kent, he hasn't been online here in a while and his ebay account seems to not have any listings at the moment.

Any suggestions for the South East or London appreciated.

Offline RasmusT

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Re: Coding a Sccirocco R Cluster, South East
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2023, 09:43:59 am »
Hey man!

I did this swap as well, i'm curious to know why you would wanna upgrade CAN Gateway?

Also, my rpm gauage is way off.. moves to fast and reads wrong rpms.. so if you could update me on how your gauges act after swap that would be sick!