So the money pit continues... this one is more obligatory rather than optional... The front near side caliper is showing signs of binding on the disk. The disc has lots of dark bands with the extra heat and after an overzealous cleaning session the pads became a little too "sticky onny" and caused that lovely pad burning smell after a short trip. I thought the disc was going to seize up! Its released a little now so the pressure is off.
Anyway long story short I am looking to refurb the original calipers (I know NQSBBK is an option but that's too expensive for me). After talking to Bigg Red it appears there is some confusion over the carrier and there could be two types for the ATE calipers on our cars. I wont know until I take the brakes off which ones, So I thought I will buy some second hand ones , refurb those and swap them for my ones on the car. But now I am confused and concerned I may buy the wrong ones.
Any of you guys had experience of fitting refurbed originals or replacing with new the ORIGINAL calipers. I really don't want to do more than OE at this stage as I am already committed on finances for this year's Eddy budget.