I am in no need of one just yet but this will defiantly be a must when get further into learning how to tinker with my car.
I live in Durham and just wondering if there is anyone with a good bit of knowledge and VCDS that wouldnt mind helping me out on the odd bits and bobs, i would be happy to cover costs and so on and a bit of cash your way of corse plus beer

I dont know anyone really around my area having just moved back from York and even then my friends all have Scooby's, Evo's and motorbike's. It would be nice to find some like minded people in my sort of area.
Are there any normal meets i dont mind a bit of travel we all used to meet up at the squires milk bar back in York but i had a Scooby and motorbike back then but i saw the light again and i missed my mk4 20v t so got my mk5 gti that i prefer more than any other car i have had hands down

Would love to hear from anyone my sort of area