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Author Topic: 12 Year warranty or not? - VW Hq will answer  (Read 5906 times)

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12 Year warranty or not? - VW Hq will answer
« on: May 22, 2018, 02:51:39 pm »
After the 1000000's of pages about the 12year body warranty i thought it was about time to get this settled with hopefully an official statement from VW themselves.

I am currently talking with VW UK Hq  (they answered my email extremly fast maybe because its a .gov email address  who knows :signLOL:) as soon as i get the facts from VW i will make sure i put them up asap for everyone to see.

Before i contacted VW UK Hq i rang 20 different VW UK Dealers and spoke to the warranty person. It was amazing how much this was a split with what they told me here are basically the 3 things i was told.

1) The warranty is actially 10 years with 2 years good will.
2) The warranty is 12 years would you like to bring your car to us to take this further.
3) The warranty is 12 years but it excludes the front wings only.

As you can see from the answers i got how are VW costumers ment to know what the real deal is. Even on the VW website it clearly says 12 years with no mention the 2 years good will or excluding the wings from this... :thinking: :fighting2: :thinking:

WTF VW....

So i will let you know how i get on and i wont stop till i get it cleared up officially from VW themselves.

Stay tunes and hopefully they will  clear this up once and for all....

 :party: :party: :jumpmove: :jumpmove:
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Re: 12 Year warranty or not? - VW Hq will answer
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2018, 03:52:24 pm »
The current information on VW's site is 12 years from date of manufacture.  No mention of 2 years good will.  12 years is 12 years.   There is no warranty info my service book, so I can't see what the MK5's original warranty was.

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Re: 12 Year warranty or not? - VW Hq will answer
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2018, 03:55:32 pm »
The current information on VW's site is 12 years from date of manufacture.  No mention of 2 years good will.  12 years is 12 years.   There is no warranty info my service book, so I can't see what the MK5's original warranty was.

I will see if i can find a link to the full Mk5 warranty where it dosent say anything other than 12years.

My father works for the European commission and a business school and he is watching what Vw do closely.

Its a piss take they way VW are about this dont you tink
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Re: 12 Year warranty or not? - VW Hq will answer
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2018, 04:47:57 pm »
Ive posted a recent topic about this,116526.0.html highlighting my experiences.

to summarise...

1. recently bought car and notice some bubbling appearing under edge of arches on front
2. Take to local dealer who take paint readings and say will put claim in
3. couple days later dealer phones and say won't put warranty claim in as I'm new owner of car and its 10 years plus 2
4. I escalate to VWUK who say its 12 years and investigate further
5. After lots of communication and contradictions from VWUK and local dealer they rejected my warranty claim based on me buying the car sold as seen and that the rust is cause by an external factor (the sound leading sponge on the inner of the arch which they say is only covered under 3 years warranty not 12) If not happy to take it to motor ombudsman.

I think the biggest problem is although these cars do have 12 years warranty on them the hardest part is...

1. getting the dealer to actually put a claim in - they seem to make it up as they go along and treat you like your thick! VWUK actually tried to convince me they had been on the phone to the local dealer for 90mins discussing the rust on my car - based on 2 photos they took of the arches! And also that the arch, a fixed body panel, was a moving part.

2. Actually getting VWUK to admit the rust falls under the 12 year warranty

I think the main reason they didn't put my claim through is down me not owning the car very long (the car has Full extensive history all with VW from new) and my feeling is if id had the car a few years I would have stood a better chance.

Good on you for putting the leg work in to get a response, I got fed up pretty quickly being fobbed off.

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Re: 12 Year warranty or not? - VW Hq will answer
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2018, 05:35:56 pm »
I've got to admire all of your perseverance with pissing about with VW dealers.
One of my wings went about 12 months after buying the car, after specifically checking both sides, this this over 3 years ago now.
After reading comments on here on how the dealers were pissing people about I decided to just buy a premium panel from ECP for about £60, and get my sons mate to spray it for £100 (not mates rates unfortunately as it went through the boss!) colour match is excellent, and unless your up close you'd be hard pressed to see the difference.
Good on anyone who had success with theirs though.  :congrats:

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Re: 12 Year warranty or not? - VW Hq will answer
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2018, 07:13:43 pm »
Thanks dude my car is over 12 years old now but when i took it into have it looked at when it was well under the 12 year warranty they just fobbed me off and at the time not knowing any better i just got on thinking i would have to pay myself. Now finding out all the differences in the so called warranty from VW themselves i thought i would get it out of them one way or another.

The good things are i have a .gov email address to use mwhahaha so i can make it look official when talking so can cut the bullsh*t and also my family has 2 almost brand new golfs from the VW dealer on that finance style thing where every 3 years you upgrade or buy. So i have a bit of leverage.

If i am successful with getting my car sorted i will put everything together in a document and pass it out to the world for everyone can use it as an example and get their wings sorted.
If they refuse point blank and be tits about it all like they have with a lot of people i will pass the information to the commission and also my father who will use it as a case study in the business school.

My main aim is to get them to do my 2 wings on my car and then i have them. its up to VW if they would prefer bad publicity from certain body's  or admit there is a 12 year warranty like it says wen you buy your car.
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Re: 12 Year warranty or not? - VW Hq will answer
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2018, 09:37:34 am »
Why are some dealers reluctant to carry out the repair ? Surely it keeps their body shop in work with VW UK picking up the bill .
I'm one of the lucky ones that had my wings replaced with out any hassle.

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Re: 12 Year warranty or not? - VW Hq will answer
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2018, 11:55:25 am »
VW would pick up most of the bill. Most of the VW dealers are franchises s they would have to use their labour and parts at the time and the VW would reimburse them after the job was done.

There would be a set amount per wing that VW would reimburse them so if they had any trouble like a sticky bolt that caused problems (Just for example) they would go over the allotted cost the VW would pay.

So in the end they could be out of pocket a little with labour and any unforseen problems that would arise.

You get the same with companies like Europarts, if a part fails they will only pay £35 an hour labour and replace the part. I would love to know a good garage that will work for £35ph  :signLOL:

So you see the problem is being out of pocket for the dealers, but legally they are part of the VW group and should abide by any warranty by law. This is what i am trying to get to the bottom of.
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Re: 12 Year warranty or not? - VW Hq will answer
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2018, 01:48:57 pm »
Watching with extreme interest here. Good on you mate for trying to get some definitive answers and facts for us all :congrats: :congrats:

My wings are beginning to go now and it's really the only thing that lets the car down. I've spoke to a dealer who I'm happy to use and they told me to take it to their body shop for an inspection. Just haven't had time recently but I will eventually. It would be great to have something factual I can show them if they start trying to fob me off. I have read up loads on this before contacting them and I have the official VW repair guide that is used that details the repair. (Sure it's on here somewhere) Best of luck getting some answers mate

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Re: 12 Year warranty or not? - VW Hq will answer
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2018, 02:41:56 pm »
Thanks I thought since i have the help of my father in this as he is a consultant and covers stuff like this from time to time for the EU Commission that i could be best suited to get this information.

If you do get things sorted with your dealer and your car is inbetween 10 and 12 years old it would be a massive help for me if i could have any documents about the fix of course if you wish you can scan them with blanking out any of your details and car details if you wish the registration would be helpful but not a must if you decide as i dont want to breach any of your privacy this is not my aim.

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Re: 12 Year warranty or not? - VW Hq will answer
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2018, 04:15:49 pm »
Part of the original VW MK5 GTI handbook that you get when buying the car

VW website

As you can see they are more or less the same with nothing saying anything other than 12 year warranty from the date of purchase.

I am yet to find an original MK5 warranty schedule with full terms and conditions so if anyone has this please please please send it to me it would be a massive help

If anyone has any other links or photos to any VW documents about warranty please send them to me or comment with them in this thread the more stuff i can get the better.

Tanks in advance for your help guys :pomppomp:
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Re: 12 Year warranty or not? - VW Hq will answer
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2018, 09:15:36 pm »
It’s in black and white, so I don’t see how they can argue. If they continually fob you off and say it’s not covered, then take them to the civil court. Document every attempt at contact and every response, take photos and write a statement. You could always get the work done before hand at VW body shop then claim the costs back. I’m struggling to see how any civil court judge would find in their favour when it’s in the handbook and on their website.

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Re: 12 Year warranty or not? - VW Hq will answer
« Reply #12 on: May 24, 2018, 09:48:40 pm »
I have had a meeting today with VW UK at my local dealers, when i get some time over the next couple of days i will get the information together and post on this thread.

Its all down to the "terminology" that VW themselves use and its very devious. For example VW have 4 different types of rust/ ]corrosion  and only 1 of these types is part of the warranty.

and there was me thinking rust/corrosion was a simple thing classic big business over complicating things for the end buyer.

It also has a lot to do with the dealer you take it to. if they are awesome they will do their best and chances are you will get it. The reason why dealers wont do it all the time is because VW will only do it if the dealers pay 30% now to get 2 wings done its about £900 so the dealers have to fork out £300 and thats another of the many stumbling blocks.

more about that when i get time guys
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Re: 12 Year warranty or not? - VW Hq will answer
« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2018, 11:33:17 pm »
After a lot of emails and phone calls and a meeting with VW UK I have got s far as I can without freedom of information requests and going the legal route to get any more information.

This is information on Mk5 golfs as this was what I was asking about.

It seams upto the end of 2017 it wasn't so hard to get VW to sort warranty claims as they had a scheme all you needed was a decent VW dealer to do a bit of leg work. This scheme ended at the end of 2017 and now made it a lot harder to claim against your warranty this in turn with a lot of dealers not playing ball has made it near impossible to get VW to honor the warranty without going the legal route and also having a whole load of proof to do this, basically day one before you do anything you would of had to take photos and start a log of everything that is said and done, but who does this from day one as you have a 12 year warranty right??? VW seam to bank on this knowing now if they turn you down at all you wont have the money, time or proof to take things further with them.

VW will only cover the rust/corrosion if it is a completely from the factory un changed part, ok that's easy or is it well not exactly you also have to prove that you have owned the car before this problem started now this can be a decision that the dealer makes there is no rust to time scale be warned also it has to be corrosion that has started from the inside of the part. it has to also be to a certain point in the corrosion if you take it in and you have a hole all the way through why did you not take it in sooner you need to take it in as early as possible as soon as you see it.

Now this is all well and good but and this is a big BUT... the 12year warranty it only covers the smooth parts ie the bonnet middle of the wing where it is smooth if its on a fold its a no no. WHAT REALLY!!!!!

Unfortunately yes its all in how VW word the warranty they have 4 different flipping types of rust and 1 of them is covered that's it and this is how VW get around doing the wings unless you have a full copy of the MK5 VW Warranty terms and conditions and have a knack for legal bull lingo this is almost impossible to know and even if you ring up and ask VW for this proof they will tell you to go to the dealer and ask them and when you go to the dealer they can't get it for you.

Some of all this if you have a very nice dealer who argues for you will be ok and they will get past these for you, but the dealer has to be prepared to spend time arguing for you and pay about 30% of the bill sometimes more. AND NO NO NO NO you can't say you will pay the 30% NO NO NO if any dealer gets caught doing that they will loose the right to sell for VW....... DAMN

So to summarize what I have found out---

VW your warranty is deliberately summarized in the handbooks to make it sound like it is a good deal you deliberately make it near enough impossible to get a copy of the real terms and conditions so people buying from you don't understand really what you mean unless they spend a week reading and working out the warranty and that's 1 part to the contract. When people look into this further all you do is pass the buck hoping it will scare people off and it works. Also you yourself have not given all your own workers the real information so they themselves give wrong and misleading information to people this in turn causes mass confusion and makes it even harder to find real information. You bank on people not having time or money to take this further and also enough proof to take legal action. You VW are an ASS...

If I had lots of money and time I would take this further but VW know not many people will have the money to do this and if they do they probably wont have a VW LEL...

A few tips that might help you with a claim.

1) Ring around different dealers and find one that openly says to you that it is a 12year warranty and go there.
2) Talk to the dealer warranty guy on the phone before you go make sure he is a decent guy and not a c**kwomble this will help.
3) Make sure your car is under 12years old from the date of first purchase/regastry(simple I know but had to put it in).
4) Take photos lots and lots of photos from the second you notice the problem.
5) Keep a paper trail I can not stress this enough email is a legal document now don't forget USE IT MWHAHAHAH.
6) If you have a friend or family who has a new VW take them with you and get them to make it clear they use that dealer (Company's lick the ass of there existing well paying costumers use that).
7) Keep your calm!!!!!! if you don't like what they tell you I know if feels good to tell them to $%^£& $£&£& it up their ass but this will get you nowhere, show integrity and bow out and if you choose to take it further it will help.
8) If you know anyone that has has the warranty repair done take them with you.
9) Buy a prius.......

I am sorry I don't have better news for you guys I did try my best to get as much information as I could but VW stone wall you and pass the buck wherever possible its extremely tiring trying to get just 1 true answer from them so I feel your pain anyone who has tried to get a warranty job done.
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Re: 12 Year warranty or not? - VW Hq will answer
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2018, 02:10:41 pm »
Mind if someone by chance has a copy of the full VW MK5 terms and conditions i would have a go at taking things further depending on the wording as i can ask a favour and send it to legal in the EUC

Otherwise i cant do anything more.

Its annoyed me this to be honest i dont know why VW cant just confirm things to me in writing without legal nonsense but thats big business for you.
2017 Vw Golf R Mk7.5
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19" Pretoria Alloy Wheels
Dynamic Chassis Control