HI Guys,
Bought my mk5 gti this year and absoloutly love it. Unfortunalty had a problem over the last couple of days!
Recently fitted an induction kit and had a full turbo back exhaust fitted by powerflow they also stage 2 mapped it for me didnt get a print out as no rolling road. Was told it was around the 250/260 bhp mark.
Car was driving amazing until a consistent missfire. Changed all the spark plugs and coils = miss fire gone

Now over the last couple of days it feels like i have to blag the crap out of it and it's not accelerating like it was. There isnt any warning lights on the dash or any noises coming from the engine. Doesnt feel anywhere near the 250/260 bhp it wss before and more like 180/200 bhp
Have had a friend say it could be the humidity in the air but seems like a big difference to blame on weather.
Theres a 10mph difference on straight roads a few of us run usually late at night
Any help would be appreciated
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