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Author Topic: Mk5 GTI isn't as lively has power loss, any experts?  (Read 1162 times)

Offline Rossmk5gti

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Mk5 GTI isn't as lively has power loss, any experts?
« on: July 10, 2018, 11:03:50 am »
My Mk5 GTI isn't as lively as it used to be. I had an issue a while back where the EML light came on and the MAF sensor code came up. The codes got deleted and haven't returned since. The car isn't as lively as it should be it does have power just not as much and goes flat high in the rev range. I have had the car looked at and the wastegate actuator was loose causing a rattle this has been adjusted and a clip has been installed to stop this rattle, however the power loss still remains. I have brought a DV valve and am going to fit that to see if the power improves however there are no codes relating to boost and nothing on VAG com came back as unusual?

I wasn't sure wether it was an air leak as there is a noise sometimes from the engine which sounds like a siren whilstling noise. I wondered if anyone else had a simular experience? Just want the power back!  :scared:

Offline neilw

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Re: Mk5 GTI isn't as lively has power loss, any experts?
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2018, 12:54:36 pm »
Sounds like a boost leak. I expect your new DV will sort it
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