Hey guys wondered if anyone could shine a light on a problem I'm having.
To start, it's a Golf Mk5 TDI GT 2007 with dual zone climatronic.
I can get -2c cold air on the right hand side vent with aircon on lowest, centre right gives me 14-15c and centre left gives me 18-19c. Then Right itself gives me ambient, no matter what it is. This is measured with a laser IR thermometer down into the vent. VCDS gives me the right hand side as being the centre right temp rather than the fully right side temp, not sure where the sensor is on the ducting though.
Compressor/condenser are running fine as evidenced, as is the evaporator.
Grabbed a video of having the blowers on max with no AC on, to reset the temperature to ambient (did this to check if the heating was leaking on the left to see if it's fighting the AC but seems to be off as it suggests as it's not warmer than ambient.)
https://photos.app.goo.gl/L1CPgDzJxZW4cDEF8As you can see right drops rapidly and left doesn't budge really at all.
Any advice?