Alright everyone, just bought a 07 GTI BWA engine in Graphite Blue, it's done 87k, got to say enjoying being back in a quick car! But I get a funny feeling that mine has been remapped, not sure

Everything else looks standard in the engine bay.
I will be getting a few things done to it to smarten it up, but could anyone help answering the below:
1. Where's the best place to get some mats, preferably carpet in black, mine have the clips (not oval). Is there GTi specific mats that can be bought?
2. Headlight dipped and main beams are p*ss yellow when in use, anyone recommend some decent bulbs to improve things? I remember Osram nightbreakers were ok for straight forward replacements but I'm looking for a whiter/brighter upgrade. Seen a lot of these LED bulbs going around, worth fitting?
3. Been reading about intake kits, don't want to spend too much on a set up, most say go for the RamAir or Evoms? Anything else I should be considering for the price (around £200 max). I do want a bit of induction sound.
4. Should I be upgrading the DV to the latest spec or look at a forge one or something?
5. I'm getting a bit of noise when turning the steering at low speed (like parking the car), almost like a grind and the steering is quite heavy. I've check the tyres, they are fine, any common issues around the steering?
