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Author Topic: Worth Repairing my GTI?  (Read 3914 times)

Offline Raj2212

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Re: Worth Repairing my GTI?
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2018, 12:14:48 pm »
I was in a similar position. My 05 Gti got written off last year, Cat D. Insurance offered £4k after some haggling and £400 to buy back.

Was left with £3600 + my Gti which I sold for £1700.

Spent £4K on a new Gti and was left with £1300.

I agree with everyone £2400 is way too much to it buy back. Demand a lesser amount if it’s written off as a Cat S.

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Offline waqasr

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Re: Worth Repairing my GTI?
« Reply #16 on: September 23, 2018, 01:58:55 pm »
Sorry folks thats a typo, buy back for £400, not 2400 lol. So yea just on the hunt for one now, will 2400 in my pocket im still going to be out of pocket when it comes to  buying one.

Offline Chris_R

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Re: Worth Repairing my GTI?
« Reply #17 on: September 23, 2018, 11:13:10 pm »
Yep its been written off, they've offered 2800 and buy back for 2400. Its low due to the mileage they said. Im thinking buy it back and get another one, swap over all the good stuff like coilovers, induction, bi xenons etc.

Edit: Buy back for £400 not 2400.

Also think that seems low and its a first offer so push for another if you are unable to buy similar - saying that looking at Mk5's they are not exactly dear to buy today...
I got more for my high miler 07 plate motorbike which was written off last year - £400 buy back, £3600 offer - so I bought it back and did the repairs myself out of the 3200 quid change, only needed a new front shock and a front fender.
Problem is that they price the repairs on bikes at the main dealers and want to repair every single scratch caused (there was a single scuff on the passenger footpeg - that equalled a complete rear subframe in their eyes as its part of the frame) - the parts alone from BMW before labour rendered it a write off.
The whole claim cost them considerably more though, they "lost" my claim somehow and I ended up with a hire bike at £170 a day for 3 solid months over the summer while they sorted out the cheque - think that cost them over £10k in hire charges, the hired MT10 I had would have only cost them about that to buy for me instead LOL.