I didn't fit the evP purge valve as he said he could hear it clicking on and off. I asked him to check the dv that I had fitted last year. He said he has never heard of a diverted valve and it doesn't have one

Eventually he said they called it something else when I explained what it was. Somebody recommended Sunset Derby on here. I am sure they are good but I want a garage who knows the mk5 5 gti like the back of their hand etc. I was hoping for a little more suggestions of what it could be. I could have changed the canister my self. He didn't fill me with confidence while he was talking to me. I felt I had a better understanding from knowledge off here and personal experience. I thought Midlands VW were better who changed my tensioner a while back. Just my opinion
He tried taking the oil cap off and pulling the dipstick out while the engine was running. He said it shouldn't have a lot of resistance and when it did, he said that wasn't right but didn't say what was wrong? I always thought that it was a good sign that the engine laboured when you opened the oil cap or dipstick? Have I got this wrong? I'm confused?
I am still looking for someone near me to drive it and tell me I'm not going mad lol