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Author Topic: Bleeding Clutch and Clutch Issues  (Read 754 times)

Offline monk180

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Bleeding Clutch and Clutch Issues
« on: October 20, 2018, 08:05:22 pm »

The clutch is odd since I got the car at 54k, now 85k.

It does not fully disengage, so notchy gear changes, and the bite point varies.

However it has never got to the point where it fails, especially after all this time.

Could this be air in the lines moving about? If it was a slave cylinder issue, would it not just have totally failed by now?


Offline Doug426

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Re: Bleeding Clutch and Clutch Issues
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2018, 08:54:10 pm »
Could be air in the lines yes, as the air can compress which the fluid cannot, this gives some strange feeling as you have described. It also could be very old fluid in the system which can cause other issues as well, I would suggest bleeding the lines first as the cheapest option and see if it helps. However should it return it could suggest the slave cylinder is faulty and letting air into the system so that would need to be changed.
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