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Author Topic: Flat Battery, and After Trying to Start Car the Alarm Keeps Going Off, UPDATE..  (Read 2742 times)

Offline Juliand

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My son hardly uses his car, and  today there wasn't enough power in the battery to start it, but then the alarm went off, and kept coming on. Jump started it, ran it for a bit, but then the alarm keeps going off when it's locked. Tried leaving bonnet open, and just locking with the key, but that doesn't make any difference - the alarm keeps going off.... It's annoying me ( and the neighbours). I've locked it up with the bonnet open and disconnected the battery leads and have got it on charge at the moment, in the hope that a fully charged battery might solve things, but am I being optimistic??  He said this happened before (at his flat) and leaving the bonnet open, when locking it,  stopped the alarm going off, and eventually it cleared itself. Now the car is at our house, so I need to sort it for him.
Sorry, the  car is an 03 Honda Civic Auto.

Any thoughts / suggestions, please? I might try to pull the fuse for the alarm, if I can find out which one it is. Cheers
« Last Edit: November 20, 2018, 04:06:09 pm by Juliand »

Offline muff1991

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I heard before, someone had trouble with alarms going off... turned out to be the voltage in the battery dropping triggering the alarm I think. if a decent charge doesn't sort things out... get a new battery, and make sure the terminals are tight too.

Offline Juliand

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Thanks for the suggestion. Curious this, after doing some research and trying several things that haven't worked, I tried this today.... Holding the driver's door handle in the open position, and depressing the locking pull / push thingy on the top of the door, then releasing the handle and closing the door - apparently doing this sets the alarm, but doesn't activate the ultrasonic feature on the alarm - hey presto we can lock the car without the sodding alarm siren going off..... It's worked four times so far, in the space of a couple of hours, so I'm a bit anxious to see how it goes overnight. You have to be very careful to make sure that your keys are safely in your pocket this way, but at least its a temporary fix.......fingers crossed. Anyone have any thoughts on this????

Prior to this, I managed to lock the car with the bonnet slightly open. Initially this didn't set the alarm, but when I looked in at it later in the day, the red 'alarm on' flashing light had come on, and the car stayed locked without the siren going off for a couple of days.  This solution didn't work today.....Not really bothered about the alarm - its a pain in the bum, and it seems so many Honda's have this same problem. Does anyone know where the siren is located on an EP 3 3 door 2003 Civic - tinterweb hasn't revealed anything so far.


Offline muff1991

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Hi juliand, silly question and don’t take it the wrong way, but have you posted your issues on a Honda forum where someone with more in depth knowledge on this car may see it? And may be able to help more? I thought VW’s had some querky tricks but what I’ve just read there... well  :grin: