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Author Topic: For sale listings from members who haven’t contributed  (Read 1233 times)

Offline colesey

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For sale listings from members who haven’t contributed
« on: November 18, 2018, 07:09:07 am »
There have been a couple of for sale posts made this week by people who haven’t made enough posts to access the proper For Sale area. Whilst the cars may be good and of interest to forum members, is it right that people who haven’t made a contribution to the forum should be able to use it in this fashion? In one case, the guy had made fewer than 10 posts over 5 years of membership so it seems a little cynical to pop up out of nowhere when he wanted to sell his car.

My personal view is that these posts should be deleted but what do others think?

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Re: For sale listings from members who haven’t contributed
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2018, 09:38:10 am »
I personally think you’re being a little bit harsh specially considering he has been a membership for five years, some people just don’t like posting. As for new members under a year or 6 months I get it.

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Offline colesey

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Re: For sale listings from members who haven’t contributed
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2018, 11:42:46 am »
@Dogma, you are quite right in suggesting that forums will always have a proportion of lurkers. That said, an online forum can only thrive with the contributions of its members of their thoughts and experiences.

As this forum is for a car which went out of production a decade ago, I feel its best days are behind us and that it needs more than ever for its dwindling membership to actively contribute for it to survive. Quality of the member rather than the length etc  :grin:

If you think it is harsh to delete posts of this nature, then perhaps it is reasonable to ask these people to make a donation to forum running costs for hosting their advert?

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Re: For sale listings from members who haven’t contributed
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2018, 01:22:56 pm »
@Dogma, you are quite right in suggesting that forums will always have a proportion of lurkers. That said, an online forum can only thrive with the contributions of its members of their thoughts and experiences.

As this forum is for a car which went out of production a decade ago, I feel its best days are behind us and that it needs more than ever for its dwindling membership to actively contribute for it to survive. Quality of the member rather than the length etc  :grin:

If you think it is harsh to delete posts of this nature, then perhaps it is reasonable to ask these people to make a donation to forum running costs for hosting their advert?

As I've been a member for a while now might not of been 5 years, & yes I've recently put my vehicle in the wrong section which if its needs to be deleted then that's absolutely fine. There's ways of asking people for donations ie, business, trader personnel, & if the forum is getting this bad then close down. A few donations ain't going to make difference just my opinion.

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Re: For sale listings from members who haven’t contributed
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2018, 02:36:31 pm »
I understand the sentiment but it’s better (imo) to give the community first dibs on the decent cars, instead of WBAC or traders getting them and selling them on for uncommunity spirited inflated prices.

The forum is the quietest it’s been in years, so could do with some activity  :smiley:

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