Seems to me people are always going to say there bit and doubt figures it doesnt matter who its from,some people from here may know me and some dont but i have known Steve and the lads a long time and i can say people dont understand how many times the cars ( going back to Craigs Ko4 also ) have been played about with trying various different things basically since the first time they got there Ko4's they have been basically what i call lab rats having the shoot kicked out of them a lot more than most cars would get to see if they hold up and where can they push a bit more but then again still managing to be every day drivers.
If they blow an engine they can look in to where things went wrong as they want to know what can safely be done on there own cars so it doesnt happen to yours so they are happy to lap that cost up of an engine etc as one report of bad work can ruin any company and the work it gets in future for life and its basically same with his porsche,what better way of showing what they can do than by spending money on his own cars and been out there doing it ? Its ok people saying we can remap your pride and joy but i know i would more positive knowing they had that car of there own they have done that work on and seen any issues it may cause or weakness you may see.
I have no idea what you have tried to say.

I am far removed from the spelling police, but you need to insert a few full stops or it doesn't make sense.