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Author Topic: Sloppy gears  (Read 4078 times)

Offline Mk5matt

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Sloppy gears
« on: November 09, 2018, 01:06:59 pm »

Anyone replaced this white plastic housing? Ive got the new part just wondered if its going to be a pain in the bum to change or not?

Any help would be appreciated.


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Offline RedSwede

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Re: Sloppy gears
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2018, 04:28:20 pm »
First post on here, so I thought I'd try and be useful...

Yes, I replaced that recently. It made a good difference on mine, even with only 65k on it. It's pretty easy, all in all. Replacement of this exact version of the bushing is not well documented on the internet, so this is what I learned.
1. P/N is 1K0711699A
2. To get it out, you lever the tabs in at 1 O'Clock, 5 O'Clock, 7 O'Clock, 11 O'Clock. It can be a bit tricky to get them all to hold in as you move round. Screwdriver is best, and a balance of subtlety and brute force is required. Eventually it will all start to move.
3. Before going further, get the top finger of the side-to-side spring (left side of the bush) out the way. It will lever over the metal tab to the left.
4. You will need to remove the gear knob. Lever open the metal "crush clip" or whatever it is called underneath the gaiter and it will pull off
5. To get it all out, you need to have more side-to-side movement. Find the shift mechanism under the bonnet and unclip the side-to-side connection. Look this up elsewhere, it is well documented, but you do not need to remove the connector from the selector/bowden cable (this would make assembly marginally more tricky).
6. Now pull up on the gear lever shaft, and it should all come out of the housing. Pop the white bushing off up-over and slide off over the shaft.
7. Assembly is the reverse of disassembly  :laugh:. But note I had to use a screwdriver and a hammer to "drift" the tabs on the bush fully home. It's very tight.

Sounds harder than it is. Give it a go!

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Re: Sloppy gears
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2018, 09:17:13 am »
Just to say: very nice first post - very helpful!  :happy2: :happy2:


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Re: Sloppy gears
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2018, 04:27:35 pm »
1K0711699A £3.30 trade from TPS :happy2:

Offline Chesto18

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Re: Sloppy gears
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2018, 07:51:39 pm »
Can’t find this with that part number on TPS. No results? Don’t know what I’m doing wrong, inputted it a few times and nothing coming up. Can anyone post a link please?


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Re: Sloppy gears
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2018, 12:22:31 pm »
First post on here, so I thought I'd try and be useful...

Yes, I replaced that recently. It made a good difference on mine, even with only 65k on it. It's pretty easy, all in all. Replacement of this exact version of the bushing is not well documented on the internet, so this is what I learned.
1. P/N is 1K0711699A
2. To get it out, you lever the tabs in at 1 O'Clock, 5 O'Clock, 7 O'Clock, 11 O'Clock. It can be a bit tricky to get them all to hold in as you move round. Screwdriver is best, and a balance of subtlety and brute force is required. Eventually it will all start to move.
3. Before going further, get the top finger of the side-to-side spring (left side of the bush) out the way. It will lever over the metal tab to the left.
4. You will need to remove the gear knob. Lever open the metal "crush clip" or whatever it is called underneath the gaiter and it will pull off
5. To get it all out, you need to have more side-to-side movement. Find the shift mechanism under the bonnet and unclip the side-to-side connection. Look this up elsewhere, it is well documented, but you do not need to remove the connector from the selector/bowden cable (this would make assembly marginally more tricky).
6. Now pull up on the gear lever shaft, and it should all come out of the housing. Pop the white bushing off up-over and slide off over the shaft.
7. Assembly is the reverse of disassembly  :laugh:. But note I had to use a screwdriver and a hammer to "drift" the tabs on the bush fully home. It's very tight.

Sounds harder than it is. Give it a go!
Just finished doing this. Followed RedSwede points except point 2
 I smashed the tabs at 1 5 7 and 11 with a flat headed screwdriver and prized out. A dremmel may be a good idea at this point

Looking into the engine bay with airbox removed the right hand side linkage is the one to slide off its pivot point
This doesnt give much extra movement with the gear knob but just enough to slide the new gear knob bush into place

A block of wood and a trusty 3lber put the bush firmly home
      well worth doing on a high miler  Selection is like the car when new
  Also gave me an excuse to fit my new knob/gaiter
« Last Edit: November 25, 2018, 03:48:14 pm by 4ndy »

Offline Chesto18

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Re: Sloppy gears
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2018, 08:25:30 pm »
Pig of a job. Easy enough to get the old housing out, but how on earth do you get the new one sat in there? Getting the ball of the gear lever shaft into the housing whilst trying to keep that flush in it's respective housing is a nightmare. I’m stuck at this exact point right now. Any serious attempt to pull the ball into the housing results in the new housing just being forced back out again.



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Re: Sloppy gears
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2018, 08:39:46 pm »
read point 5 Removal of gear linkage under bonnet :happy2: This is the important bit   

Offline Chesto18

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Re: Sloppy gears
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2018, 09:32:07 pm »
All sorted. Not made that much of a difference to be honest on 116k car.  Looking again I think the side to side linkage (‘08 plate, plastic on these) has waaaay too much movement.

The 42 draft designs bushing kit is supposed to sort this. Next on the list.


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Re: Sloppy gears
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2018, 10:32:12 pm »
I also have the drafy design bushes fitted.  Made a small difference :happy2:  iirc I got them from awesomegti

Offline colesey

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Re: Sloppy gears
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2018, 06:47:29 am »
Both the S3 changer and bushes are worthwhile, I got mine from Darkside. Fresh OEM oil and removed the bleeder block restrictor too. All small nudges in the right direction but they do add up.