It doesn't though, not in my car at least. Don't take this the wrong way, but American car enthusiasts seem to be obsessed with spark plugs and gaps

In Europe, we just take them out of the packet and throw them in!
If we're talking massive hybrid turbos running crazy rich mixtures, then fair enough, but these are just stock engines with stock parts. No special plugs or gapping is required.
IFR7X8G lists as an OEM plug on NGKs site, and = 5K Ohms.
BK7REIX = 5k ohms.
PFR7S8EG also OEM and lists as = 1K ohms.
If the plug manufacturer lists different plugs and resistances for the same engine, it surely doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things?

As I said previously, I suspect the difference is down to conductivity properties. Platinum is less conductive than Iridium, so that's why they probably lowered the resistance. It doesn't mean it makes a massive spark compared to a 5k ohm plug though.