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Author Topic: HELP plse - Oemretrofits  (Read 9438 times)

Offline gigolo456

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HELP plse - Oemretrofits
« on: February 15, 2010, 08:54:38 pm »
Hi Folks, has anyone used the above company plse? They are based in Bradford and will apparently charge me £600 all in to supply and install an RNS 510, seems very reasonable to me!? I have spoken with Darren off this Forum and he suggests i speak with you guys first of all....

Thanks in advance (typical me wants things done yesterday  :mad:


Offline ollie288

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Re: HELP plse - Oemretrofits
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2010, 08:58:24 pm »
OEM retrofits used refurbished units. If you only get 3 months warranty I wouldn't bother with the extra cost. Also do you know what f/w and maps come on them?

I would go with Darren.

Offline gigolo456

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Re: HELP plse - Oemretrofits
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2010, 09:05:51 pm »
i know its refurbished, but as Darren said to me, if its goes wrong and no warranty, i just have a posh door-stop. I have been told by OEM R that its version B FW and V6 maps. Darren doesnt have any left, but he has kindly said if i want him to, he will message me when one becomes available, but doesnt know when. That brings me back to OEM or Hazzy Days, both would be refurbished, but 3mths warranty on former and 2 years on latter (c.£350 for the priviledge). If anybody has good reports on OEM R, i am sorely tempted to go with them....

So bloody confused  :rolleye:


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Offline gigolo456

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Re: HELP plse - Oemretrofits
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2010, 09:21:02 pm »
ermm, cheers, brings me back to Hazzy Dayz then, yes they are £350 or so more, but feedback is really good.......

I dont know, i really dont know......maybe somebody will come forward and vouch for OEM''s's hoping...


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Re: HELP plse - Oemretrofits
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2010, 10:34:15 pm »
I dont know what Darrens prices are these days, but realistically i cant see anything going wrong with one. I certainly wouldnt be paying an extra £100 odd just to get it from OEM retrofits.

Offline gigolo456

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Re: HELP plse - Oemretrofits
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2010, 10:40:55 pm »
lol, cheers, talk about head in the sand, i dont know what to do!? As Darren even said, if after 28 days, his unit goes wrong, i just have an attractive door-stop. Not that it would go wrong, but life's all about 'if's' in my eyes. As i suggested in an earlier response, yeah, id be paying more to go to OEM R, and quite a bit more with Hazzy Dayz, but the latter gives a 2 year warranty......

I'll have to have a serious think


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Re: HELP plse - Oemretrofits
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2010, 10:49:28 pm »
There are a lot of ifs with everything.

I can only offer advice on what I would do (and have done). It seems you are set in your ways and want one of the companies to do it for you. If you are willing to pay the price then go for it! Cant see the companies messing up fitting it as its child's play. 

Good luck :happy2:

Offline gigolo456

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Re: HELP plse - Oemretrofits
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2010, 10:56:50 pm »
yeah i'm probably mad, and will end up paying more, but thread really is if anybody has experience of using OEM R, it seems nobody on here has, shame really as the price seems extremely competitive; if only somebody had used them, i would be tempted!! That then leaves me with hazzy dayz, who are £350 more yet i can find LOADS of recommendations for them.....i will certainly update you as to what i do, and hoping you guys can move with me on this one  :surprised:

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Re: HELP plse - Oemretrofits
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2010, 04:57:18 pm »
The three main things to ask of any possible suppliers are:

1. What is the source of the units?
2. Are both the warranty seals on the unit intact?
3. Does it come with a genuine original VW code card (and manual)?

It's likely that most of the Ebay units will not have intact seals because they have been opened to read the PIN code. Hence they will also probably not have genuine code cards, regardless of how genuine they might look.
This does not necessarily mean these units have been stolen from vehicles - although be aware that they might be. There are other, legit, sources where this process might be necessary e.g units properly recovered from insurance write-offs. In theory legit refurbs should be resealed but I have seen one that I know was a refurb but did not have both seals intact.

There has been some talk in the past on many forums of units failing to accept firmware upgrades properly once the seals have been broken, because the PIN recovery involves a little soldering. I doubt that simply reading the PIN code would cause this problem (won't go into details here). But if the PIN code has been changed using this method then potentially it could cause problems with a firmware upgrade. So it's probably best to avoid units with PIN codes like "0000" and "1234", but bear in mind that just because the PIN code is a random set of numbers, that is no guarantee that the PIN code has not been rewritten.
There are other factors that can cloud the issue with firmware upgrades - for example some firmware upgrades are version specific. There are internal differences between A, B and C units (and two different manufacturers as well as different revisions of the circuit boards), and a further complication is that it is possible to apply a firmware upgrade for a B unit to an A unit and it then thinks it's a B unit, even though it isn't really. If you then apply a firmware upgrade that is intended for B & C units, you can see how the outcome might be unpredictable. There is virtually no checking during the firmware upgrade process itself, which doesn't help.

Another tip when looking at these units is that the screens are pretty tough - they don't seem to scratch easily in normal use and a quick wipe with a soft cloth gets them looking pretty good. However the black piano effect surrounding the screen is a real scratch magnet and it's worth checking this closely, especially around the two control knobs. If you are the careful type you can mask off the screen and the matt areas of the front panel and use a little Displex to polish the piano black part. If you are not the careful type then do not do this. It will go wrong and either your screen or the matt finish will be permanently damaged.

Sorry, gone a bit off-topic and had an RNS-510 brain dump instead  :surprised:

The upshot of all this is that you pay your money and take your chances. The people that brought units off Darren have given some very positive feedback so it sounds like he has a source of quality units. There are some dodgy units around on Ebay, but there will also be some legit sellers. There is no magic way of telling unfortunately, and of course just because someone charges more there is no guarantee that their sources are any better than something you could pick up on Ebay and get a local specialist to fit for you for less money.
If, for an extra £350 you get a unit in a nice new box, with intact seals and a genuine code card, and they install it without snapping any of the lugs off the dashboard trim and they code it correctly and don't scratch the top of your AC controls then it may well be worth the extra money - unfortunately only you can decide whether that is good value for you..... whichever route you choose I hope you take the plunge as they are great OEM units and well worth having  :drinking:

Cheers, Mark.

'57 DSG GTI alas now gone, but not forgotten....
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Offline gigolo456

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Re: HELP plse - Oemretrofits
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2010, 09:57:41 pm »
Thanks for this detailed response Mark, i'm all booked for next Tuesday to get it installed. I have ensured that they are aware i will be checking for seals and code card, so i'm hoping all's well that ends well.....yes i will be paying more but i feel happier now...lets hope i stay like that, lol.....thanks again for all the replies, and i shall keep you abreast of any devlopments....


Offline Beddie

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Re: HELP plse - Oemretrofits
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2010, 10:10:11 pm »
If it helps a colleague has just had a RCD-510 and the Fiscon Pro bluetooth unit fitted by OemRetrofits, both working 100% 3 weeks on with a 2 year warranty on the Fiscon and 3 months on the RCD unit, he's made up so far  :happy2:

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Offline gigolo456

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Re: HELP plse - Oemretrofits
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2010, 10:15:44 pm »
cheers, lol, the company i shall not be using.....going with Hazzy Dayz. Chances are youre friend will get the most from his RCD510, i guess i just wasn't prepared to take the risk with the RNS510, i will certainly be spending more but getting 2 year warranty......i dont suffer fools gladly believe me, so the company i'm opting for better do a good job. Thats the thing you see, i couldnt find 1 single report on OEM, yet found page after page of compliments for Hazzy.....

Anyway, thanks again everyone....


Offline Beddie

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Re: HELP plse - Oemretrofits
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2010, 10:18:56 pm »
No probs mate, better late than never i guess lol!

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Offline gigolo456

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Re: HELP plse - Oemretrofits
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2010, 10:54:51 pm »
may i ask what system you have Beddie??