Good luck getting the seller to allow you to read it's codes. I know I wouldn't let some nobody off the street plug vag-com into mine.
I suppose its prob taking it a bit too far. Will cut that step out.
No it isn't. If the seller won't let you scan it for codes, walk away. I've never had anyone object to it before, and neither would I object if selling my ED30.
If the seller wants a sale and has nothing to hide, he/she will be fine with you scanning it. It's no more invasive than a HPI check.
It's very useful for cutting through the 'Never been mapped' bullsh1t. Check the ECU flashcount. If it's not zero, it's been mapped.
Hi Mate so it keeps that is a common problem with these that sellers claim the cars have never been mapped?
Some of the cars I am looking at already have been mapped is that much of an issue?
Have also seen some of the ED30's that I am interested in.
Oh there are definitely legitimate cars out there mate, sold by honest people, but there are also people who try to pass off a put-back-to-stock car as, 'never been modified'. By checking the ECU's flash count with VCDS, you can at least determine if the engine has been mapped or not.
Long story short - I bought my Edition 30 thinking it was standard and 'never been modified' but it had been

It's not always a bad thing though, providing the work was done properly. If you definitely want a 100% standard car, you need to be vigilant and do your homework.
Yep, all MK5 DSGs use the 02E DQ250, and manuals use the 02Q MQ350. Both rated at 260lbft torque handling.
Imo, the DQ250 is the best DSG box to date. The MQ500 in the MK7 is horrible.
As for maps, can't go wrong with Revo for an off the shelf option, or you can get a custom map from somewhere like R-Tech. Plenty of mapping options out there.