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Author Topic: URGENT Advise - Temperature/Coolant  (Read 1581 times)

Offline Johnny_tro

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URGENT Advise - Temperature/Coolant
« on: February 14, 2019, 08:20:57 pm »
Hi all, hope you are all good. Quick one. MK5 GTD 2004. 190k. Car has been a dream, last weak I added a little anti freeze to the system just to be sure. Week on and perfect. Then out of the blue.......NO HOT AIR IN THE CAR   :surprised: :surprised:

- No matter what setting the climate control in on I get nothing but ICE cold air.
- Coolant level all looks good, although a little muddy in colour

Big question, how can I tell if this is the water pump thats just died  :surprised: or after reading up could it just be some dirt/muck in the matrix?

Please help.....
'VANDALISED' MK5 GT :( - RNS510 H, Bluetooth Armrest, MDI, 50gb hard drive, I can't park  sensors, Cruise Control, Highline Display, MFSW, Heated Seats, Remote Aux Heating System (Heats and Vents) Winter Pack, Heated & Folding Mirrors, Puddle Lights, Xenons, Headlamp Washers, Heated Washers, Auto lights and wipers, LED's, GTI brakes,, black R32 roof lining, Scirocco Rear View, Rear Footwell Lights

Offline muff1991

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Re: URGENT Advise - Temperature/Coolant
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2019, 10:34:02 am »
As a cheap easy enough try, get the right diameter hose from an aquarium and back flush the heater matrix from the 2 pipes coming from the bulk head with the garden hose. I see a video on YouTube of how to do this! I did this on my touran when I was having little heat coming from the vents. Made a world of difference and I was really surprised to see some of the crap that came out! If that doesn’t help or sort it then look into valve thing that adjusts the cold to hot bit (don’t know the name) and after all that, look into the water pump.. starting with the coolant bottle return hose. If it’s weak or nothing that would tell me the water pumps had it. Not too much of a bad job for a DIY (cambelt and pump). Good luck.

Offline Johnny_tro

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Re: URGENT Advise - Temperature/Coolant
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2019, 11:19:04 pm »
Thank you for the advice I’m hoping it’s just a little dirt. The water has gone cloudy and a dirty colour.

Back flushing the matrix. Any links? What would you used to force the air/water?

Return pipe the the coolant bottle. Any more info on this? So when I noticed the temp dropped I got back and thought I must be low on water. Anway when I opened the coolant bottle the water had actually backed up a little and forced some water almost out the bottle. I also noticed at this point it’s dumped some coolant on the floor. Not sure where from yet but look down below the coolant bottle somewhere.

Also don’t appear to have lost or losing any coolant from the system. Not having to top it up

Any more Thoughts??
'VANDALISED' MK5 GT :( - RNS510 H, Bluetooth Armrest, MDI, 50gb hard drive, I can't park  sensors, Cruise Control, Highline Display, MFSW, Heated Seats, Remote Aux Heating System (Heats and Vents) Winter Pack, Heated & Folding Mirrors, Puddle Lights, Xenons, Headlamp Washers, Heated Washers, Auto lights and wipers, LED's, GTI brakes,, black R32 roof lining, Scirocco Rear View, Rear Footwell Lights

Offline Johnny_tro

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Re: URGENT Advise - Temperature/Coolant
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2019, 05:34:22 pm »
Also went to check the matrix, there is nooo way of getting to the pipes without taking out the dash ?!? Took all the glove box out and no chance of getting to the tubes
'VANDALISED' MK5 GT :( - RNS510 H, Bluetooth Armrest, MDI, 50gb hard drive, I can't park  sensors, Cruise Control, Highline Display, MFSW, Heated Seats, Remote Aux Heating System (Heats and Vents) Winter Pack, Heated & Folding Mirrors, Puddle Lights, Xenons, Headlamp Washers, Heated Washers, Auto lights and wipers, LED's, GTI brakes,, black R32 roof lining, Scirocco Rear View, Rear Footwell Lights

Offline muff1991

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Re: URGENT Advise - Temperature/Coolant
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2019, 03:02:23 pm »
you should be able to reach the 2 heater matrix pipes from the bulk head inside the engine bay (behind the engine) on my touran they are not the easiest to get to but more than doable.

you may have to take a couple of minor bits off to gain better access. as for the video I see.. I believe it was this in link below. pretty much explains everything. but I would flush the pipes both ways starting from the outlet hose. the water from the hose/garden tap will force/push the water through.. its in the video, you'll see.

the coolant leak under the bottle could be from the backup of coolant / pressure inside the system pushing coolant out the overflow. (unless I'm mistaken, I'm sure there is an overflow)

as for the coolant return pipe.. on the coolant bottle, youll see a small black hose going to it, this is the return pipe. disconnect it and see if waters coming out.. or if your bottle is clear enough and not manky, just see if you can see water entering the bottle from that pipe.

also, once you've done the clean up etc and are happy.. top the coolant/anti freeze up to the correct level and start your engine leaving the coolant cap off.. run the heating on hot with fans going. give all of your fatter coolant hoses around the engine a little squeeze too, it might help blow some air bubbles around and out! once the engine has reached operating temperature or there abouts..  you can put the cap back on. they are self bleeding systems, but I think the lid has to be off.. I've always done it this way with no issues.

defo sounds like you have a blockage somewhere to me.

hope this helps.