Nice one, although I sort knew from what went on prior to this I was expecting it to be a turbo related issue .. unfortunatley!!
....Yes, it was a process of elimination starting off with the easier things to access and check.
Be nice to see pics of the fault unit - just to see exactly which bit went wrong.
....I'll post pics when I get the chance in the next few days.
Suppose the weather doesnt help but does it feel any better now?
....In the last 48 hrs I've driven about 500 miles in all sorts of weather from dry and sunny to torrential rain and in daylight and at night. She feels great in all conditions and whether pootling in D, screaming in S, or flappy Manual.
Would you consider selling your old turbo ... wonder how much a recon would be ...
....Great as it would be to sell my turbo and recoup a little of what the whole problem has cost me, I would not want to sell anyone my turbo without first a turbo specialist taking it apart, repairing and rebuilding it. Just to take it apart and produce a report would cost around £200. It's not worth me spending £200+ and then waiting for someone who wants to buy it and also it's done 57,000 miles.
By part exchanging your existing turbo, VW can supply you a reconditioned (possibly new if you're lucky) K03 for about £650 and with a 2-year warranty. However, if your engine is at all modified, especially exhaust and/or remap, the turbo warranty would be meaningless if you subsequently had an issue.
Edit: Also be useful to see your logs - boost graphs etc to see the difference now I assume it meets requested.
^^^^ You keep asking to see my logs - I don't have them - JKM do, together with about 200 other 2.0T FSI logs. Every car is slightly different too.
I'm now interested to see how your turbo problem gets resolved. My advice is not to leave it to possibly get worse and hence potentially create more serious damage.