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Author Topic: Going for it, the right thing to do?  (Read 3779 times)

Offline BigstickytoffeeGTI30

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Going for it, the right thing to do?
« on: March 02, 2019, 07:03:02 pm »

Okay, love it or list it? 115k mile well specced remapped Ed30, mechanically sound and never wanted for anything except new bushes now required, body work not touched -certainly in my 6 years- needing a refresh. Laquer going, stone chips, faded headlights, alloys....

Do I sell or bring the body work/wheels and suspension up to new spec? I love the car and other cars (s4, s3, new golf r or gti) I would like to purchase I can't afford at the mo. Car has had recent cambelt, dsg oil change, new tyres, good pads discs all round - so she is good for some time.

Just got some new Hella headlights for 300, quoted 1500 for wings, bumper, bonnet, wing mirrors, alloy refurb and all round polish. (Back end of the car is in really nice condition) Thinking of a front end polyurethane bush upgrade, waiting on quote-around 500? 2300 all in.

Love it or list it? Will keep the car for at least 2 more years, the work should add at least a grand to the value, she will be mint!

Thoughts?????  :grin: or  :stupid:

Thanks guys!
« Last Edit: March 02, 2019, 07:12:02 pm by BigstickytoffeeGTI30 »

Offline KJNGTi

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Re: Going for it, the right thing to do?
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2019, 02:48:48 pm »
Thinking the same thing at the moment but....

Newer cars are always a nice to have but there is something about older cars I love. My Mk5 has done 62k, it’s 14years old but compared to some cars I have seen on a forecourt my mk5 is in much better shape both in and out. I think there is a great deal of satisfaction to be had in restoring a car to its former glory so I would say keep it if you can and whilst mine isn’t a ed30 it still turns people’s heads...

Offline BigstickytoffeeGTI30

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Re: Going for it, the right thing to do?
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2019, 09:49:07 pm »
That's much of it for me as well. A lot of people ask about the car, it generates enthusiasts (hot hatch/petrolheads) questions and obvious head turning -even from those ten a penny golf r drivers!
The part owner of one place I got the body shop quote from even asked if I was willing to sell.

Offline KJNGTi

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Re: Going for it, the right thing to do?
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2019, 10:47:24 pm »
Think you’ve got your answer 😉

Offline pudding

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Re: Going for it, the right thing to do?
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2019, 12:49:04 pm »
It's always a balance between the amount cash needed to restore what you've got, versus cash needed to buy something newer/different.

I'm also currently weighing up my options as my ED30 needs (off the top of my head) - clutch & DMF, steering rack, wheel refurb, some paint here and there, rattling sunroof fixed, wobbling xenons fixed, complete rear end rebush and stuff.

A MK7 or Audi S3 or what ever is essentially the same thing, and the honeymoon period with new (to you) VAGs never lasts in my experience.  The niggles always come calling soon after purchase......and then you're stuck with it if you've leased/borrowed to get it.

So I usually end up persevering with what I've got.  I bought it outright, so just consumables to pay for. MK5s are cheap to run compared to a lot of other German performance cars, BMW/Mercs especially.....and they have just as many, if not more, common faults.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2019, 12:50:39 pm by Pudding »

2007 ED30 | 2009 TDI 140 | 2016 BMW 330D

Offline Tin Robot

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Re: Going for it, the right thing to do?
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2019, 06:03:11 pm »
As someone who has now spent £4K bringing a stock GTI back to life my advice would be to love it.

Nothing beats feeling as though you're in a near box fresh 12 year old car. Ed30's deserve preserving.

Offline colesey

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Re: Going for it, the right thing to do?
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2019, 07:09:48 pm »
I think it is a great idea to keep your car well maintained and driving nicely. When it comes to bodywork cosmetics, perhaps it is better to hold off until you are ready to sell unless you feel confident that you are unlikely to gather further scrapes. I live in Central London and can almost guarantee freshly refurbed wheels will pick up curb rash in short order etc.

Offline BigstickytoffeeGTI30

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Re: Going for it, the right thing to do?
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2019, 08:42:19 pm »
I think it is a great idea to keep your car well maintained and driving nicely. When it comes to bodywork cosmetics, perhaps it is better to hold off until you are ready to sell unless you feel confident that you are unlikely to gather further scrapes. I live in Central London and can almost guarantee freshly refurbed wheels will pick up curb rash in short order etc.

Thanks for the replies gents. Decision made.

Tbh Colesy I would rather get something out of the investment and enjoy the car in great nick than just sell it. I would never make the money back so wouldn't bother anyway to be honest.
Fortunately I don't do much in town driving (living in Cornwall) but you're right, I am bound to prang something somewhere anyhow! Sods law within the first week!

Offline Ripstop

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Re: Going for it, the right thing to do?
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2019, 12:26:45 pm »
I followed this conversation with interest and so much rings true with me and my car (ED30 #1000) as well and my views on keep or sell. I bought the car at 90k miles and it needing a few obvious refreshes and some I didn't catch at the beginning. Mine is a daily driver and I mean a real daily doing at least 15k miles per year so it was never going to be a minter although I try really hard to keep it clean and tidy.

I love Golfs and have had a few over the years, my VR6 did 203k miles before I decided to pull the plug but this Mk5 Ed30 is simply the best spec'd fun car to drive that I have owned.

For me this is the devil you know and I have started spending quiet a lot to maintain it but it gets better every time I make a fix or do an upgrade and I get to really know the car. The list of updates is all those things we know, Calipers, PCV, Cam follower, Cam chain, Steering rack, Rear coils, bushes and all suspension dampers. I would much prefer to get value out of my investment and keep it for many years and enjoy it for as long as possible. My next treat is a BCS Prestige cat back as the hole in my centre box is beyond patching now.

So a significant investment and my mates think I am mad on all this cost but you know you have something special when you have a forum like this and see how people really love this car. The best thing of all is that it really drives better than a lot of new cars. Its not perfect paint wise but mechanically its now in really good shape and has enormous potential for performance upgrades which I may do if time and money permit but even in standard form its a really, really, really good car.

I still have some essential things to do like wheel refurbs but they can wait for now and I know the expensive clutch renewal will also be due this year so that's a Helix organic and LUX DMF. I want to get the most from my car but will balance want against necessity and this means I will keep for a fair while yet.... Go for it!
Stage 1 2007 Black Eddy  #1000 - VCDS Hex+Can (Novice coder). H&R springs, newish Bilstein B4's. Gen 3 Steering rack, Helix organic.  The car is *always* work in progress fixing and upgrading things.