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Author Topic: MONZA II's...How much?  (Read 2867 times)

Offline Boothy

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MONZA II's...How much?
« on: February 20, 2010, 12:48:55 pm »
I'm trying to decide what to do with the set of Monza's I have sat in the garage. Having cleaned and inspected them all its become apparent that all but one has kerb damage and white worm so my question is this. How much can I expect to get for them if I sold them needing a refurb and what could I expect to get if I sold them refurbished in say, gun metal grey? I'm trying to work out if its worth paying for the work doing and if I'm likely to recover the costs or be out of pocket? Oh and they would be without tires.

Offline nc35

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Re: MONZA II's...How much?
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2010, 04:30:10 pm »
Think you are looking at £50 per rim for a basic refurb.  If you are in West Yorks I can recommend a good guy.

They seem to sell on eBay for ~ £220 - £350 regardless of condition or tyres.  Good ones sell for about £400+.

So you are unlikely to recover the cost of the refurb.  If you have a garage and can be bothered you can paint & lacquer for about £60 going to take you a couple of weekends to do it right as you need to let the paint set etc.  But it is an easy job if you take your time.

Give me a shout if you need any tips  :smiley:
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Re: MONZA II's...How much?
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2010, 08:54:51 pm »
Got any photos?

Offline nc35

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Re: MONZA II's...How much?
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2010, 09:29:05 pm »
Posted some pics on this site when I had done it...

Dead impressed with the results - never really done anything like this before.  The best advice is to "Just take your time".  If it goes wrong, just rub it down a little again.  

Wish I had taken before & after photos the rims were in a dreadful state.  To give an idea i had to replace 2 tyres because of wall damage...

Make sure all the tyre is masked.  Found really thin plastic sheeting to be the best.  You can get LOADS of it for 99p from Wilkinsons, it is used to cover stuff when you decorate etc.

Paint is from Halfords.  Acrylic wheel primer, paint & lacquer.  The best/better primer has a filler in it.  Not too sure what it is called but you will see it in there.  One can of each is supposed to do 4 rims, but I gave it more coats and used 2 tins of each.  I did paint both sides of the rim.

First I used the acidic wonder wheel cleaner, both inside and out first.  Any kerbing was easily removed with a dremmil then the faces were electric sanded with fine grit, followed by wet & dry.  Bit of wet and dry between primer coats.  The primer shows up the imperfections.

I also used a tac cloth between coats.

Should be easier this time as I have wheels on the car, I had to use the jack and the spare while I did two rims at a time.  Not a good idea.

This winter has not affected the finish at all.  Not bad for aerosol kit, had my doubts that it would last. But no point spending £200+ on some cr@p replica rims.

Plan on doing the same again with the new rims I have on order.  Should be much easier as these have next to no damage, I just don't like the diamond CD look finish...
« Last Edit: February 20, 2010, 09:32:38 pm by nc35 »
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Offline Boothy

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Re: MONZA II's...How much?
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2010, 10:36:01 pm »
Got any photos?

I can post some photos if needed. Will try sort it tomorrow when I'm sober! :laugh:

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Re: MONZA II's...How much?
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2010, 10:39:48 pm »
Posted some pics on this site when I had done it...

Dead impressed with the results - never really done anything like this before.  The best advice is to "Just take your time".  If it goes wrong, just rub it down a little again.  

Wish I had taken before & after photos the rims were in a dreadful state.  To give an idea i had to replace 2 tyres because of wall damage...

Make sure all the tyre is masked.  Found really thin plastic sheeting to be the best.  You can get LOADS of it for 99p from Wilkinsons, it is used to cover stuff when you decorate etc.

Paint is from Halfords.  Acrylic wheel primer, paint & lacquer.  The best/better primer has a filler in it.  Not too sure what it is called but you will see it in there.  One can of each is supposed to do 4 rims, but I gave it more coats and used 2 tins of each.  I did paint both sides of the rim.

First I used the acidic wonder wheel cleaner, both inside and out first.  Any kerbing was easily removed with a dremmil then the faces were electric sanded with fine grit, followed by wet & dry.  Bit of wet and dry between primer coats.  The primer shows up the imperfections.

I also used a tac cloth between coats.

Should be easier this time as I have wheels on the car, I had to use the jack and the spare while I did two rims at a time.  Not a good idea.

This winter has not affected the finish at all.  Not bad for aerosol kit, had my doubts that it would last. But no point spending £200+ on some cr@p replica rims.

Plan on doing the same again with the new rims I have on order.  Should be much easier as these have next to no damage, I just don't like the diamond CD look finish...
Those look really good mate, well done. I much prefer the look of these wheels without the dark inserts.
I refurbed some old wheels I had on an Ibiza a few years ago and you're right, it's not too hard. You just need a lot of patience!