My boot interior light has been dodgy for a while. It only worked when I held the tailgate half closed. Google revealed that the wiring loom on the
offside nearside (thanks for the correction!) between the tailgate and the body often fails on higher mileage Golfs, and sure enough mine was already wrapped in tape. Peeled it off, found the broken wire, fixed it, did a nicer job of taping it back up - all good.

However, now I'm paranoid that not all the lights on the back of the car are working. I've got indicators, brakes (including high level, which I replaced a few years back), reverse on one side and rear fog on the other, and rear lights corresponding to the headlights.
However, I can't remember (or find anything online to tell me) which bits of the cluster on the boot lid itself are supposed to light up. On mine it seems to be just the reverse light on one side and rear fog on the other - are the circular areas surrounding them just reflectors, or have I got another broken wire to find?