I found it was a lot easier than all the videos and guides online make it look.
Like most things, it looks and sounds more difficult until you come to do it.
I’m sure you’ve probably already seen the vids etc... but this one is pretty much bang on from what I remember:
You just need to make sure you got the right module and slip ring or something. But chances are you probably have. So just need to buy the stalk. The part number for stalk that I brought.. 1k0953513G
Can pick them up genuine second hand off eBay for 20-30 quid (paid £20 for mine and it’s mint)
I’m guessing you’re referring to awesome offering the service of supplying and fitting for £150 as I looked into that too, but when the time come I spend £20 and got a mate to VCDS it (I didn’t own vcds at the time) but literally is so easy. As 2006 up have the wire we’re lucky otherwise it’d be a lot harder!
Once fitted, the stalk will still indicate too so once you’ve fitted it, you can drive the car about until you find someone with vcds to plug in and code it. I would offer to help but I’m a bit away from Epsom (Aylesbury).
Just research as much as you can, take your time and give it a crack!

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