Hi All,
Please note: before reading... this post is
not for free repair manuals. (I do apologise if this has been covered before, but I couldn't see nothing in search regarding this)
But If you're interested in repairing/maintaining your own car, then its worth keeping this link in mind!
I'm sure some of you may be aware of this already but I know others (like myself) more than likely won't be, and didn't have a clue this existed! After being impatient waiting for a wiring diagram from a mate, I spoke to VW live chat to see if they could help out.. well I'll be damned.. then only passed me this link explaining about a flat rate, repairs etc.

well for those who didn't know either I thought It'd be rude not to share it!
So basically, from what I can tell and have read online.. you pay a "flat rate" for 1 hour, 1 day, 1 month etc.. prices roughly: 1 hour €7 and 1 day(24hr) being €30. from what I've read out and about.. you can also download and save the PDF manuals as well as print them.. including the SSP's (self study programmes). There is quite a lot on there, so finding which ones you need before buying a "flat rate" would be a good idea. Can even go halves with a mate or something to knock the price down and share downloads. I also read on a forum, that if you put your head to it, you can pretty much download/save all the ones you'll ever need for your car in 30mins with a good tinterweb connection. For most of what I've "read" please feel free to research yourself, as its only what I've read and not tried!
So here's the link if anyone wishes to take a browse, you do have to register first (free and easy). Navigate along the header to "individual vehicle information" and select "training items" or "repair information" and off you go. there's other bits on the site too, so have a look around.
Again, apologise if this has already been mentioned. Hope it helps some of us out for the sake of 7-30 quid (or euros lol) but I believe this could come in handy for some of us.